Saturday, March 29, 2008


“Welcome to Egypt. We’re Khalid and Layla.”
“Let me guess,” Carmen said slowly, “You’re speaking Pigeon Egyptian.”
“Actually, it’s called Pigeon Arabic.” Khalid answered.

At the Egyptian market Carmen heard

(next to a picture of a cat) a cutt speak Meeow Arabic
(next to a picture of a dog) a kelb speak How Arabic
(next to a picture of a cow) a baqara speak Ahh Arabic
(next to a picture of a camel) a huge beast they called a gamal not say anything at all. It communicated only with its eyes!
(next to a picture of a rooster) a dik speak Alooalubbalooaloo Arabic

Carmen ate some delicious babaganoush with Khalid and Layla. Then she saw the big bird and was off again. “Ma’as salaama, friends!”

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